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Rainmaker on Disasters

Disaster Planning – Mitigation – Response – Recovery

Rainmaker clients perform and provide Disaster Planning, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery Services for the federal government and state, county, city, and local government agencies and education institutions. Rainmaker has been supporting U.S. businesses that provide services, equipment, products, and/or materials during disaster planning, mitigation, relief, and recovery efforts since 1992 . . . and we do it very well. Rainmaker’s disaster planning, response, and recovery specialists have been locating and responding to contract opportunities for large and small businesses to provide disaster recovery services and products since the day after Hurricane Andrew hit South Florida and Southern Louisiana in late August of 1992 – at that time the costliest hurricane to make landfall in the United States. Our clients transported more than 2,400 truckloads of needed supplies into South Florida and hauled an equal number of truckloads filled with construction debris out of the area. Clients provided services and equipment to government agencies, not-for-profit organizations, and homeowners and businesses in South Florida and Southern Louisiana that included:

  • Construction – rebuilding and repairing of homes, hotels, office buildings, seawalls, docks
  • Charter Airplane/Jet Services – passengers and freight
  • Charter Helicopter Services – passengers and documentation included government officials, news and film crews, professional photographers/videographers
  • Motor Homes and Mobile Homes – sourcing, transportation, and set up for temporary and long-term housing
  • Restoring Infrastructures – repairing and/or rebuilding parking lots, runways, sidewalks/walkways, roads/highways/bridges, docks, piers,
  • Restoring Power – power lines and the power grid
  • Restoring Communications – cellular network, Internet connectivity, land/terrestrial phone lines, other radios and wireless communications
  • Performing Appraisals of everything – everything destroyed or rendered unusable needs to be evaluated by an appraiser for insurance purposes
  • Performing Inspections – all types
  • Document Recovery – all types
  • Mold Remediation – all buildings, vehicles, furniture, clothes,
  • Architectural and Engineering Services – commercial, residential, and industrial buildings to be rebuilt or restored/repaired
  • Security Guards – guarding government, commercial, industrial, and residential buildings throughout the devastated areas

One of our helicopter and film crew clients was the first to go airborne after the landfall of Hurricane Andrew and worked for many days supporting government survey and evaluation efforts and providing live aerial video during national and international television network broadcasts. Less than two weeks after Hurricane Andrew struck, Hawaii was hit by Hurricane Iniki which to this day remains the most powerful hurricane to strike the state in recorded history. Similar services were performed by our clients on the Hawaiian Island of Kauai.

During Hurricane Katrina and the myriad of hurricanes to strike immediately thereafter between August and November of 2005 (Hurricanes Lee, Maria, Nate, Ophelia, Phillipe, Rita, Stan, Vince, Wilma, Beta, and Epsilon), the Rainmaker team and its clients provided the transportation and set-up of hundreds of travel trailers and mobile homes to Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. Rainmaker clients restored the power grid and IT systems and provided a myriad of services similar to those performed more than a decade earlier during Hurricane Andrew. Two of our transportation clients transported more than 72 million liters of water to Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. Many of these contractors performed services or provided materials and supplies for as long as 24 months after the disasters.

During the COVID-19 pandemic (SARS‑CoV‑2 – 2020-2022), a Rainmaker client performed more than six million COVID-19 tests and administered more than 750,000 vaccines in 36 U.S. states. Rainmaker performed opportunity discovery, contract vetting, proposal writing, proposal editing, proposal management, color team reviews, and other critical capture and proposal services that resulted in the completion of more than $420 million in emergency contracts throughout the nation.

Whatever you do for a living, whatever service you provide – the product you make or sell or personal skill or expertise you have is most likely being purchased every day during a disaster response effort

So, what Services and Products are Needed Before, During, or After a Disaster Occurs?

One need only take a moment and look around your home or office. Imagine having to replace everything you see including having to rebuild the entire building in which you are sitting – you are looking at disaster recovery services and products.

  • What was destroyed needs to be torn down/removed and safely transported to an approved facility
  • What remains needs to be immediately cleaned, disinfected, dried out, sanitized, and/or repaired
  • Everything lost or destroyed needs to be sourced/located, repurchased, delivered, and set/installed
  • Hundreds of millions of dollars of supplies, equipment, materials, and products need to be transported to the disaster site
  • People need food and water
  • People need shelter to sleep and be protected from the elements
  • Children need toys and games
  • U.S. territories need a hospital ship and emergency drop shipments of medical supplies
  • Damaged roofs and buildings need to be protected by blue tarps
  • Lives need to be rebuilt

There are few, if any, services or products that are not needed during a disaster recovery effort (obviously landing on Mars is not an immediate priority), but most everything else is part of the planning, mitigation, rebuilding, and/or replacement effort.

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The following pages will assist you in determining if disaster contracts are right for your firm: